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Roaring Into Action – Hear Us ROAR

Celebrating Life Unlimited Employees
ROARS - Hear Us Roar

Celebrating Our Employees

At Life Unlimited, we are called to protect, fight for justice, show courage in the face of adversity, and lead. It makes sense our team member mascot is a lion. He’s fierce but friendly and embodies all we stand for, exemplifying our guiding principles through his ROARS:

  • Responsible – We must make the most of the resources provided to us, work efficiently, and demonstrate a commitment to doing the right thing regardless of the circumstance.  
  • Open – Honest and authentic communication supports a positive working environment and maximizes our productivity.  
  • Accountable – We must hold ourselves accountable to our roles and in turn hold others accountable to the team.  
  • Respectful – Every person in our organization has a valuable role, and all persons are worthy of dignity and respect unconditionally.  
  • Selfless – To be successful in our mission, we must be willing to put the needs of the people we serve above all others.  

Our culture is built around celebrating each other’s’ wins and accomplishments, which is why we nominate others to receive ROARS Cards.  

Anyone can submit a ROARS card for anyone you see exemplifying one or more of our organization’s values. This includes team members, family members, support coordinators, and any other stakeholders.

Team members who receive the cards are honored within their teams and eligible for prize drawings at our team member meetings.

ROARS Values

Ryan H., demonstrated he was Selfless when he spent most of his day with one of our clients because he was interested in the maintenance field. He carved out time in his extremely busy schedule to answer all the questions he had and was encouraging to him my giving him advice and wisdom from his own life experiences. I am grateful to be working with Ryan as part of our Life Unlimited team. He loves the individuals we serve, and it shows.” — Holly B. 

Amber C. has been Respectful and Selfless. She put great effort into making sure that an individual is offered enjoyable, quality-of-life activities. It is obvious Amber cares about this individual and has worked hard to find activities that bring her happiness.
 Rochelle S.

As Jessica F. promised from the beginning, she absolutely has been Accountable and crushed her trainings and goes to show how dedicated she is to learning. Jessica held herself accountable and completed everything in a very short time. I look forward to seeing her grow within the company!
 Erik M. 

During a period of being short-staffed, Charlene V. was Open and Accountable and made sure to check in with me and cover a shift and a sleep shift so that I could spend some time at home with my kids and give me a break. She’s new to the Program Manager position and doing an outstanding job! — Stacey S.

Submit A ROARS Card

To recognize a Life Unlimited staff member’s exceptional service or work, please submit a ROARS Card to our Training Department likned below. Be sure to include the person you are nominating on the email and their supervisor, if you know who that is. Specify which value the person demonstrated and describe how they made a meaningful impact.

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