In Memory of Holly Hampton

In Memory of Holly Hampton
Before joining Life Unlimited, Holly utilized day services through another disability service provider. However, after a life-saving surgery to treat a large intestine blockage, she was deemed too medically fragile to return to that program. Her case manager introduced her family to Life Unlimited’s My Day program as an alternative, and it ended up being a great fit for Holly and her family. Holly started attending My Day on her 28th birthday in November of 2018.
Ginger French, Holly’s mother said, “This was a real blessing for us. Michael and I were more at ease with the staff at My Day and Holly sure took a liking to her main care provider, Kathy Cooper. Kathy was very attentive to Holly, talking to her and making her laugh often.”
Holly’s favorite activities included watching NASCAR races, Judge Judy, Thomas the Train, and Star Trek Voyager, and her favorite person to spend time with was her mother, of course! She was able to attend a few NASCAR races at the Kansas Speedway, but was more content to watch the races on TV where she could hear the commentators better.
Holly accumulated a small collection of autographs of NASCAR drivers that were proudly displayed on her bedroom wall. She met Kurt Busch and had her picture taken with Jamie McMurray, Greg Biffle, and Justin Allgier. Friends and family got her autographs of Jeff Gordon, Dale Earnhardt Jr., and Chase Elliott. From 2018 to 2020 she almost exclusively wore only NASCAR t-shirts to the My Day program.
Holly had a black cat that she nicknamed Nonnie that she loved. He would lay on Holly’s bed next to her while she watched TV and slept, and would occasionally scratch her if she pet him too much. From Christmas of 2020 on, Holly wore almost exclusively cat shirts to the My Day program. Her favorites were the ones that had pictures of Nonnie on them.
Because Holly also loved Thomas the Train, she had numerous train layouts she played with over the years. Holly would page through her Thomas storybook collection until she found just the story she wanted to hear, and loved to watch her mother act out the Thomas the Train stories on her railroad while she read the stories.
Holly passed away in March, 2022, but her family remains in touch with Life Unlimited and we feel honored to have known her and helped care for her. Holly made a lasting impact on our My Day program and we are proud to share her story.